I have a dear, sweet friend, Melissa, (I also work with her husband, Blake) that contracted West Nile Virus 5 years ago. She is still suffering from the effects of that nasty illness. Below is a little bit of info on Melissa.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Help Me Help a Friend!
I have a dear, sweet friend, Melissa, (I also work with her husband, Blake) that contracted West Nile Virus 5 years ago. She is still suffering from the effects of that nasty illness. Below is a little bit of info on Melissa.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
FREE Offer!!!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
Spring clean your insides!
Friday, March 23, 2012
Challenge Time!!
I am starting a NEW Challenge group! Starting the first week of April! We will be doing ChaLEAN Extreme! I will take the first 5 people who want to join me! I know this is an investment! But YOU are worth it!!!
Not only will you get healthy AND fit there's prizes and FREE stuff involved here people!!!
One month supply of Shakeology (Chocolate, Greenberry, or Tropical)
FREE 30 day trial membership to Teambeachbody.com
Private Facebook page so we can track our progress and motivate each other.
I will personally send each of you:
Great Body Guaranteed Workout DVD's ($25 value!)
The Grand Prize:
The person who looses the most % of body weight will receive
Here are the rules:
1. Purchase ChaLEAN Extreme Challenge Pack by clicking Here
2. Create your Teambeachbody.com account. Add your 'before' pic too! (Make sure that I am your coach! My coach number is 132320)
3. Replace 1 meal a day with Shakeology (I like to have it for breakfast right after my workout!)
4. Email me your starting weight then again every Friday so I can calculate your % lost to post. (Don't worry! I will only post % numbers not your actual weight!)
Challenge will run for 60 days!
We will start the challenge as soon as everyone has received their workout.
Cut off date to join/order will be March 30th!! (that's next Friday!!)
If you have been thinking of becoming a Beachbody Coach, NOW is the perfect time to join!! If you join my Challenge group and become a coach at the same time your Game Plan Tools Kit and Business Essentials Starter Pack for FREE!! That's a $70 savings!!!
Click HERE to sign up as a Coach!
Monday, March 19, 2012
DAY 50!
Measurements: Day 1/Day 50
Chest: 35"/33.5" (-1.5")
Waist: 40"/37.5" (-2.5")
Hips: 47"/44" (-3")
Arms: L 15" R 15"/L 14" R 14" (-1" each)
Thighs: L 28" R 28"/ L 27" R 27" (-1" each)
Weight: 201lbs/190lbs (-11lbs)
So you add all that up and I've lost a total of 11" in just 50 days!! THAT'S AMAZING!
So what are YOU waiting for??? The sooner you start the sooner you will see results!!!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Update Time!
And YES! That's only a 1 week difference in the last 2 pictures! No gut being held in! No cheating!! Honest to goodness RESULTS!! And even though I only lost a pound in the last pic, you can clearly see that I lost MUCH more than that! In just 32 days I have almost los my upper belly (still working on my lower...but it WILL go away!! It better! Or I'm cutting it off!!LOL!) Oh, and pay no attention to my mess hair or lack of make-up.......please!
And look at my "love handles" how they are shrinking! Hubby says I need to ditch the plaid shorts! LOL!! Well, my birthday is next wednesday my dear! (hint hint)
If I can get these results doing insanity and drinking Shakeology, so can you!!
In the words of Shaun T:
"YOU can Frickin' DO this!"
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Can You Afford Shakeology??
Cost was the biggest deterrent for me before I started drinking Shakeology! But I finally came to realize that I was investing in MY health! And after being on it for a month, I feel GREAT! And I'm....ummm..... how shall I put this......regular!!! This may be a little TMI but before Shakeology I would ummmm 'go' once a week! And to have a healthy and happy bowel you should 'go' at least once a day! Well, in the words of Johnny Carson, "I did not know that!" And after my appendectomy a year ago, I have been anything but regular! BUT (no pun intended!) now that I drink Shakeology every morning, I'm like clockwork! Every day! Yup! Gold star for me!!! :-P
Read the following response from Barbie Decker to a customer:
"You really can. There is really no excuse. I felt disturbed that I had left out Shakeology from my suggested meal plan, especially given the fact that many of the foods we eat today (particularly our chicken/fish/meat) are of such poor quality. It makes sense that Shakeology would make up for some of the nutrient deficient foods we consume as a society. But, the question remains: Can you afford it?
If I left it out of my meal plan, then somewhere in my mind I was saying, “No, there is little room for it in a tight budget.” However, somehow that just didn't jive with me. Let’s do the math together and you decide.
The cost of Shakeology on autoship (you get free shipping) is $119.99. Plus tax, say around $126, for one month’s supply (1 serving a day for 30 days). Each shake comes out to about $4.20. The coach price for Shakeology on autoship is $89.99 or around $96 total. Each serving comes out to $3.20.
Too much you say? Not if you are using Shakeology as a meal replacement, which, by the way, will help you lose weight. Remember: Subjects in a 90-Day study lost an average of 10lbs when they replaced just one meal per day with Shakeology.
The cost of an average lunch at a restaurant or take-out: $6 to $9. Plus, even Subway sandwiches which are reputably low-cal average 460 to 560 calories. Shakeology has 140 calories, less than 1 gram of fat per serving, annnnnnd it is truly nutrient rich.
The cost of an average take out or restaurant dinner: $10 & up to be sure.
The cost of a home-cooked lunch or dinner: 6-8 ounces of chicken = $2.00 (and we are talking low-grade chicken), veggies= $1 (frozen veggies are really okay! hurray!) and 1 sweet potato = from .5 to $1.00. Total= about $3.4.
Conclusion: You are spending about $3-4 on a home-cooked meal, the same amount that you would spend on Shakeology.
So what is the big fuss about then? I think our resistance has to do more with our thinking than our actual ability to afford Shakeology, regardless of budget. Somehow, I’m guessing, many people see Shakeology as a luxury item. But is it really? I invite you to watch the following video.
We think nothing of spending $4 on mass-produced food that doesn't truly nourish us, yet we protest that $4 for Shakeology is too expensive. There’s something awry with our thinking, don’t you think?
To your health and to thinking outside the box."
So there ya go! Think YOU can't afford Shakeology?? Think again.....and again......how 'bout now? Still no?
Well, THINK AGAIN!!! :o)
Half Way There!
Just finished day 30 of Insanity! I'm half way there!!! Feeling stronger every day! Seems my measurements and weight are at a stand-still. Maybe once I start the Max workouts next week I will kick it into high gear and get some more weight/inches off!! (I guess that bowl of ice cream with nummy homemade hot fudge didn't help either......) Can't give up!!! JUST PUSH PLAY!!!
And besides.......................................
Who wouldn't want to look at THAT every day! :-D
Thursday, February 23, 2012
I've reached my 2nd milestone in Beachbody! I've reached Emerald status! PLUS! I've earned Sucess Club 5 this month too! Business is rockin' and rollin'! Want to get in on the FUN? Check out the perks for becoming a Beachbody coach!
Get PAID to exercise and help others in their journey to health and fitness!! I'm on my way to DIAMOND!!!!

Making Progress!
Anyway....I'm posting my "Fit Test" results so far.
Day 1
Switch kicks.....I wasn't able to do any! So sad!
Power Jacks 29
Power Knees 66
Power Jumps (aka 'slap slaps') 13
Globe Jumps 7
Suicide Jumps (modified for my wrist) 11
Pushup Jacks....ya right!!
Low plank Oblique (on my knees) a big fat 0!
Moving on to Day 15
Switch Kicks 44 baby!!
Power Jacks 36 (+7)
Power Jumps (slap SLAP!) 22 (+9!)
Globe Jumps 9 (+2)
Suicide Jumps 14 (+3)
Pushup Jacks....ya...still no
Low plank oblique (on knees, of course!) 40!
Next fit test day is on day 36!
I can tell I'm already going to do better and maybe not have to modify my moves as much!!
I took another picture today of my progress before my workout this morning. It's only been 25 days and I can see my big ole belly getting smaller! Can't wait until I'm all done and to see my completed hotness! ;)

In 25 days I've lost:
1" on my waist
1" on my chest
2" on my hips
3/4" on my arms
1" on my thighs
AND 10 pounds of FAT! :)
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
"So.....Have you seen results?"
It's hard to get my butt out of bed every morning and pump myself up to do the workouts, but I am determined to get healthy and fit this time! No cheating, no "quick fixes" just lots of hard work and eating right!
Monday, February 13, 2012
IT'S HERE!!!!!

Friday, February 10, 2012
Every Girls Favorite Thing to do.......

I'm tired of being "blobby." I was always fit as a teen and into my 20's.....then the children came! lol! It was easy loosing the weight with the first 2. But with my last child, well, I just got lazy. I let myself get up to 210 pounds. I did the HCG diet....ya I lost 30 pounds real fast, but I HATED the diet and I just didn't feel healthy after each round. Plus as soon as I finished a round I would slowly creep back up to around 190.
I went on a cruise in January 2012 with my mom, oldest brother and his wife and daughter, and my sister (who is 110 pounds!) and her husband. Every night we would go to the dance club on ship. At first I had full confidence and was out there dancing along side my family. Not really caring what I looked like....until I decided to take a break for a bit. I watched as my sister, niece and sister in law all dance around with so much energy and confidence. Looking around all I could see were fit people having fun and dancing the night away. Then.... I saw some people walk onto the dance floor who were about the same size and shape as I was. I watched them dance for a while and thought, "is THAT what I look like when I dance??" I was embarrassed! . I didn't go back out on the dance floor after that. The last night on board, I was in tears thinking about what I was missing out on.
Me, my brother and sister
While on board, I was also able to be in the "Carnival Legends" performance on the last day of our cruise. My sister was Brittany Spears, my brother was Elton John, and my niece was Madonna. I was Gloria Estefan and got to sing LIVE "Rhythm is Gonna Get Ya." When we all went back stage to try on the costumes, my sister's and my niece's costumes flooded their tiny bodies! With my costume, they had to take all the pins out so that it would fit me...thank goodness it was somewhat stretchy material!

Sister, her hubby Ty, and me
I signed up as a Beachbody coach under my sister-in-law, Kelly (who has been trying to get me to get healthy for a while now!!) and am on my way to a more healthy and fit ME!!!